1. I got this photo from Flickr.com.
2. The photographer for this picture is Lightpoacher.
3. This photo was take on April 18, 2009.
4. There are multiple reasons why I like this photo. I really like this photo because the little girl in it is very cute. She looks so happy and it makes me wonder what is making her happy. I also really like the reflection method that was used. It is very creative and give the picture a hole different feel to it. I also like that the picture is in black and white. Because it is in black and white it makes a picture of a little girl look a lot more elegant that if it were in color.
5. Artificial lighting was used in this photograph. I can tell artificial lighting was used because I can tell the photograph was taken in a studio. The photo uses high contrast between the girl and the stripped background. There is also high contrast between the girl and the edges of the photograph. The lighting is both dramatic and subtle. The lighting of the edges are very dramatic but the lighting of the little girl are subtle.
6. The photographer used composition skill in different ways. The photographer used formal balance very nicely. The girls and her reflection divide in the center of the photograph so each view of her is equally on both sides. The emphasis in the photograph is on the little girl and her reflection. This emphasis is created by how the only real objects in the photo are her and her reflection so there is nothing to distract the eye. It is also emphasised by how clear and focused her face and reflection is. The photographer also did very well achieving unity in this photograph because nothing looks out of place, everything fits together.
7. I believe the photographer is trying to communicate that life is simple. It is saying that this little girl is happy about something. Little children can become happy by the simplest things so this photo shows that being happy can be very simple if we look at life through the eyes of a child. I think this message is being communicated very clearly. The little girl is obviously happy about something and everyone knows that it usually is not difficult to make a child happy. Also since the girl is looking right at the camera is give a greater point that we must look through her eyes to see the simple happiness she feels.
I got this picture from:
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